About Us
Dr Iris Wu is Confucius Classroom (CC) Program Director. She graduated from the Science Faculty at the University of the Western Cape. She was the first Chinese language teacher at CAMST and she has been working for CC for more than ten years.

Mr Shaoze Ren (Teddy) joined CC in 2017. He is in charge of the Mandarin Second Additional Language Subject curriculum and assessment for Grade 8-12 students. Mr Ren was pointed as a Mandarin SAL oral moderator for Western Province by IEB in 2019.
Miss. Yang Liu joined CC in 2018 and she teaches Grade 12, matric students. Miss Yang Liu is currently occupying a Master's in research in the Chinese language at the University of Cape Town.

Miss. Yuxuan Wu joined CC in 2018 and she teaches Grade 8-11 students. Miss Wu graduated from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Cape Town. Miss Wu is not only a Chinese teacher, but she is also an excellent dancing teacher as well.
Ms Kun Shang recently joined CC, she was schooled at the University of California from 2002-2006 in the School of Education and later completed her Master in Education at the University of Cape Town in 2017.
尚坤老师在2022加入了 CC的团队,她在2002年至 2006 年在加州大学教育学院完成本科毕业专业,随后在开普敦大学完成了教育硕士学位(2017)。

Mr Takwing Yu joined CC in 2015 and he is in charge of IT, cyber and cultural events. Mr Yu graduated from the University of the Western Cape and he is a qualified physiotherapist. He currently is occupying his PhD research at the University of the Western Cape.